Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be


So yesterday I went to see Karate Kid.
and Jaden Smith is sucha cutie.  I really don't get the hate with him, he convinced me he has talent in acting. and JACKIE CHANNN was awesome, as usual, duh.
So we were suppose to watch the 3:30 show, but Alice was late. :( Which was fine, cuz we ended up shopping, FUN, even tho I didn't buy anything. In H&M Eric noticed I was very awkward in clothing stores, as in, he said I looked like I didn't belong there, unlike Alice, who was looking around like crazy like a pro shopper.  LOL, oh jeez. So much for being a girl.
So I played with Eric's blackberry for a while using bbm. SO MUCH FUN. Even tho I'm basically fail at the keypad, everything I typed was pretty much a typo, but I get the hype now, I finally understand why ppl walk around heads BURIED in their blackberries.  It's.. actually quite fun to use.

So after the movie we were unsure of where to go, everybody kinda wanted to go neta, but then it was late.
HOPEFULLY SOON THOUGH.  I'm so addicted to left for dead (mental note: it's LEFT not LIFE. i surrriously gotta get the name right, i've screwed up the name so many times its beyond ridiculous for someone who likes to play game)


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Dawn Is Coming

Almost finished first year university.
The exams are killing me.
I'm quite worried.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Night Is Darkest Just Before The Dawn

Have you ever had a day where you're just... in a strange, but good mood?
Yeah I feel like that now.

Since I always do seem to complain about everything, I thought:WHY AM I DOING THAT? WHY NOT.. just be glad that I have what I have? 
WELL...Okie dokes then =D
Here's a post.. dedicated to some of the great things in my life <3

I have the most supporting and greatest parents EVER. They've become nicer over the years. Surrreously. Especially my dad. He's sucha beast...and I think he's become funnier... HURRAY! And my mom... she's pretty much the strongest, most amazing person in the world. Definitely THE perfect person to look up to. :)
I have the funniest and most trustworthy best friend in the whole world. inside jokesx9348343942
I have quite an easy chillllllllled out life. I'm never overly stressed. Or maybe I'm just born that way.. lucky me :). I don't have panic attacks over a lot of homework and tests. I can be lazy and sleep in whenever I feel like it and not study and still do DECENT in school. Decent pretty much means pass at this point of my life.
I get to make my own choices in life. Nobody controls me. Baha.
I live in a tiny apartment with my family, but that just makes it so much cozier.
I feel loved 1000% of the time.
My friends are brilliant. And the people who used to be my friends I don't talk to anymore... well, that's sad. Nonetheless I'm quite thankful I got to see the true sides of these people before I became even closer to them.
I have an easy job with high pay.
I have an iClicker. And I got not one but TWO classes where I can play with it. HAH.
I can touch my toes.
I have a Disney channel star in my English Class =P
I've had unpleasant past experiences with stuff. What is stuff? Well.. a lot of things. But I'm so proud of myself for overcoming these stuff. Like my daddeh, I'm sucha beast too. 
Did I mention I have the funniest best friend in the world?
OH OH, and I ultimately think my comic book will become super successful.

Yarrrs, I pretty much have it real good.

Be jealous.

Typing these things out just made me real happy and appreciate everything a whole lot more.
I'm gona have a good day today.
Wheeeee ~~

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Definitive Therapy

Why must life be like this.
It's like... history repeating itself all over again.
Curse you cruel fate.

Know Your Limits Master Wayne

For some reason, this spring, I have seriously the WORST allergies ever!  I can't stop sneezing, ALL THE TIME!
And my nose is so runny.
I'm not sure whether I really got hayfever OR I'm actually sick.
Thus... I've been taking both allergy pills and some medicine.
So much drugs.
My goodness.

I really like this song by Hedley. 
Man, I remember when I had this slight obsession with Jacob Hoggard before. HAHA

Today, I watched Starstuck.
The soundtrack = AMAZING.
I like it better than Camp Rock and HSM.
Maybe even more than Wizards.
ANDDD, Life With Derek is going to be a movie coming out in June!!
I wonder if that's why he's been gone from several eng classes cuz he was filming it.
But I don't know cuz I think the movie was made a year ago or something.
Or maybe he's disappeared from several of my classes cuz he was busy filming something else.
Anywhoo, I've grown out of my star-crazed mode whenever I see him now. =P

Yeah my mom's got this friend whose son did the summer program thingy I'm going to and the son said it was the hardest thing he's ever done in his life.  It's so brutal with so much physical work and he totally turned brown and gained 20 pounds by the end of summer.
I'm worried I might not survive.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Let's Not "Blow" This Out Of Proportion

I want to be a nuclear physicist. 
It has been concluded.
My plan's always been to be an architect, yes, I still have an interest in that, but somehow, nuclear physics appeal to me so much more, (as of now at least, i have sudden change of hearts SO much rofl)
I want to study beyond the physics that most people know, and go into the theoretical physics.  
BOO YEAH, that sounds smart doesn't it? 
Well, honestly, it's just a fancy name for a type of mathematical physics that tries to explain natural phenomenas.  

TBH, all this nuclear physicist stuff first came from me watching videos about whether the creation of Doc Manhattan was theoretically possible. And well, it is.. kinda. 
Everything in the world has waves. And if something is perfectly out of sync with the wavelength of your body, the wave of that something and the wave of your body cancels each other out.. thus, you are GONE... technically, ...WELL IT'S SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES.
This is such a fail description of such a complex subject.  
But hey, taking baby steps here. 

5 simple words:
I. Will. Make. It. Happen.

Its my grandpa's death-iversary today
I miss you and I love you.
The little hole in my heart will never be filled up completely. You permanently took a tiny part of me when you left.

I feel like crying now thinking of grandpa.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is This Some Kind Of... Joke?

I just learned that this person from my highschool graduation class passed away of leukemia.

How did I learn? Well it was actually an accident. I was randomly browsing FB and stumbled upon this group dedicated to him. I read the descriptions, and wow, it was such a shocker. Unexpected.
I've never been friends with him, but I do remember him throughout highschool, and my clearest memories of him were being silly with his friends in my classes.  Even though we never really exchanged words of great importance, the fact that I know of him and that he was a really nice person makes my heart break.
I offer my condolences to his family & friends.
R.I.P. :[ 

Monday, March 15, 2010

..Ha Ha Ha Ha

Failblog is LOL.
Must sees:
-cooking fail
-Q&A fail
-dance fail
-revolving door fail

Going to English class soon
Then going to my math class later.

I've created my superhero.
A Ha ha Ha Ha
And his villains (I can't even spell this word right.) D:
Story coming soon...within the next 10 years or so.
follow this blog if you want to be updated on the next big thing, might be very slow though... since I got all the time in the world. ;)

I need a cartoonist
One spot available, so there will be tryouts.

I need a name for him. A normal, hero-isque name. It's harder than it seems; this is the real deal. No jokes.

I'm starting to question the meaning of my blog. I've been reading the blogs of some other people just now, and the stuff they write are so deep and meaningful and they put so much thought into every sentence that it makes me wonder how long it took them to write it all out. For real, people take it so seriously. 
Or maybe I'm just not deep enough to write about the meaning of life here. Yeah, that's it. This isn't the place where I share my feelings on the beauty of the world and how I must never lose hope and always reach for my dreams. I totally could if I wanted to. 8-)
But why would I do that? For me, it'll take so long. Maybe for others the flow of words comes out naturally and sound so nice once put together, but I seriously can't write to save my life.
That's why I resort to unfinished Junie B. Jones stores or comic books. They simply aren't essays.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?

I want to record the sound of my snores.
Teenage boys are very disturbing.

So we lost this adaptor thing for our digital camera at home.  And my mom is loosing her mind trying to look for it.  It's kinda funny watching her looking for it everywhere.  I helped.. of course. :) but I couldn't find it anywhere.
SO, I'm not too sure what's going to happen now. 

Eclipse trailer is out... mMm Jacob.  AND IT'S COMING OUT THIS SUMMER?!
So soon!!!
Oh my ...  summer movie <3
IronMan for summerblockbuster ftw, Twilight can't compare. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

And Here. We. Go...

Yay, I created a twitter account.
I'm not liking it so far though, I don't see a point, and I'm too lazy to figure out how it all works even though it does apparently seem a LOT easier to figure out than facebook or this blog for example.

I'm so tired.

Today I tried some organic chocolate.  Tasty, but quite bitter since it was dark.  Really, really expensive though, for such a small bar.  <3 I love chocolate so much. 

I got an English in class essay tomorrow, I haven't read any of my poems I was suppose to read last week and this week, in fact, I haven't gone to a single english class for 2 1/2 weeks already.  >_<  

Afterschool was fun. :)  Janz and I went to best buy in attempt to find a portable CD player, or walkman, or whatever people call those.  But they only had ONE!  ONE CHOICE?!  C'mon.. that's so lame.  Even london drugs have more options!!!!!!!!!!  The internet there is so slow too!!!! =[ Only the best buy website is quick.  Darn them clever workers, this sure will prevent random kids from walking in to use free internet rofl.  
We went to save on foods after, and saw the prettiest looking covered pretzels.  They were white, with pink and blue or green(?) designs on them.  THEY LOOK SO GOOD!!!  So we bought 4.  BUT for some freak accident, the bag got lost in the store?!  and then we never actually bought them even though we tried looking for them when we got out of the store.  I was so excited to try some LOL!  =(  Now I'll never know whether they were white chocolate covered or yogourt covered.  
Speaking of yogourt, I had this CRAVING, for yogourt covered almonds today in ubc and was SO tempted to buy a whole big pack of them from sub, but I didn't, thank goodness, cuz they were pretty fattening, even though they were almonds.  I think the coating has a lot of sugar and high fat in it.  Yuk.  

My friend's having an all you can eat sushi birthday dinner tomorrow. 
I don't know if I should go to an all you can eat, considering how I'm already ballooning up like crazy.  
DECISIONS DECISIONS...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random note: Today in school today I saw Mr N.R. sitting outside a classroom. He was a bit far away but it's hard to not recognize him. Actually, I noticed him when I looked across the hall and saw someone sitting down staring at me. 
I ran away.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Upset the Established Order, and Everything Becomes Chaos

Why is it that the real emotions people feel deep deep inside their hearts are the cheesiest of all cheese.  I seriously believe that everybody, from old men, to old grannies, to young kids, to teenagers, to criminals. SOMEWHERE buried deep deep inside is a giant cheeseball of emotions just waiting to be SHOT OUT AND *BAM*... "HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES!!" RIGHT INTO THE FACE OF THE OTHER PERSON.
Sometimes, the other person ain't ready to be tackled by such a monstrous ball.


Jay accepted me for the summer program. Now it's a matter of if I am going to accept the offer or not. My parents don't really want me to go, =( 
I really want to have an experience away from home, but since I never do anything around the house, I worry I won't be able to live on my own. 
Decisions, decisions...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

To Them, You're Just A Freak

Distancing myself from you is the smartest choice I have ever made in my life.  Let's see where this trainwreck goes.  

I wish villans existed in real life. I wish I could read a story and the characters come to life, like Inkheart. :)
THEN, then then then... the joker would be real, dementors would be flying around Vancouver, two-face will be on the loose, Lord Voldey will be terrorizing all.  
I would love to see you survive in a world filled with masterminds like that.  HAH. 
To mess with a sick twisted mind, you need to be twisted yourself. And the reason why you are getting to everybody is because your targets are not as sick as you. You're not brilliant, no. You simply target the same group of people, over and over again, all of them being girls. Be a man you hideous monster, and find someone as messed in the head as you are to play around with.  What's the fun if you outsmart everybody all the time? Sometimes, the play is more fun than the outcome.

You both deserve to be locked up in Arkham. Azkaban won't work on you both soulless people. Them dementors won't have an effect on you guys.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Why So Serious?

I got school in a couple of hours!!!  Wow, this weekend I did no homework.  Hahaha, I feel so guilty.

I woke up this morning and the weather is GORGEOUS!!  For some reason, gorgeous sunny days like these always remind me of certain moments in early highschool, a.k.a. gr.9 + gr.10.  JUST gr.9 and gr.10.  WHY THOUGH?!  I'll be pondering about this throughout the day.  Hopefully I'll come up with some explanation.  :O

I'm at a cafe.. doing homework........ NOTTTTTTTT :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Making of GCT

Hi... to those of you reading.
My name's Linda. I'm a superhero fanatic.
My blog title is a quote from TDK. I love that movie, I love batman. I love anything to do with him. 
And wow I can't believe this. Me, actually attempting blogging? HAHA. I hate writing!!!
Since I'm going to blog, might as well make it interesting.  I'm personalizing my blog in the form of a newspaper.  Hold on, make that, The official Gotham City Newspaper.
lame?  Maybe... but as long as it's entertaining, there's no harm. =P
Anywhoo...TODAY IS RAINING. =( It sucks, yesterday was super sunny. I want sun, cuz I enjoy walking outside when the weather's nice. I always get off the bus at Dunbar street so I can walk a good distance home, get some exercise and enjoy the weather. The world's so pretty right now, with all the flowers and such. I unfortunately have hayfever though, but it's kinda under control now, I take allergy medicine. I breathe out of my mouth SO much these days, my lips are so dry. THEY'RE PEELING! =( It hurts...

Yesterday, I volunteered at physics olympics. POINT GREY GOT 3RD!!! =DDD I'm so proud. HAHA. I feel like I won something, even though I don't go to PG anymore. It was so nice to see some of the people there. D.Hawes wasn't there though. I wanted to see him!! I feel bad cuz I haven't visited him once since I came to ubc. And he was one of my favorite teachers to talk to back in highschool.

I should do some homework, but instead I'm writing here, and on MSN. LOL! There's so much on my mind right now, but I can't type it all out, it's gona take too long.
This is officially the end of my first blog entry.

WOW I did no homework this weekend yet.  I hate procrastination, yet I do it.  I really need some self control.  I spent over 2 hours making this blog pretty but I still failed.  Ultimately, I'm no computer whiz.

Jay from Southwestern Summer program called my dad.  If I end up going to the program, I'll be away from Vancouver all summer.  I DONT KNOW IF I REALLY WANT THAT.  Really seriously gotta think this through.!!!