Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Upset the Established Order, and Everything Becomes Chaos

Why is it that the real emotions people feel deep deep inside their hearts are the cheesiest of all cheese.  I seriously believe that everybody, from old men, to old grannies, to young kids, to teenagers, to criminals. SOMEWHERE buried deep deep inside is a giant cheeseball of emotions just waiting to be SHOT OUT AND *BAM*... "HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES!!" RIGHT INTO THE FACE OF THE OTHER PERSON.
Sometimes, the other person ain't ready to be tackled by such a monstrous ball.


Jay accepted me for the summer program. Now it's a matter of if I am going to accept the offer or not. My parents don't really want me to go, =( 
I really want to have an experience away from home, but since I never do anything around the house, I worry I won't be able to live on my own. 
Decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

  1. The first part makes me think of the idea of "oh my god...i could totally just reach out and punch this person right now 0_0."

    Which summer program? :)
    I did a month long summer program in New Brunswick couple years ago and I don't do anything around the house either. But it's actually a really good way to learn to take care of yourself :D

    It's Eric by the way :) Nice post.
