Monday, March 22, 2010

The Night Is Darkest Just Before The Dawn

Have you ever had a day where you're just... in a strange, but good mood?
Yeah I feel like that now.

Since I always do seem to complain about everything, I thought:WHY AM I DOING THAT? WHY NOT.. just be glad that I have what I have? 
WELL...Okie dokes then =D
Here's a post.. dedicated to some of the great things in my life <3

I have the most supporting and greatest parents EVER. They've become nicer over the years. Surrreously. Especially my dad. He's sucha beast...and I think he's become funnier... HURRAY! And my mom... she's pretty much the strongest, most amazing person in the world. Definitely THE perfect person to look up to. :)
I have the funniest and most trustworthy best friend in the whole world. inside jokesx9348343942
I have quite an easy chillllllllled out life. I'm never overly stressed. Or maybe I'm just born that way.. lucky me :). I don't have panic attacks over a lot of homework and tests. I can be lazy and sleep in whenever I feel like it and not study and still do DECENT in school. Decent pretty much means pass at this point of my life.
I get to make my own choices in life. Nobody controls me. Baha.
I live in a tiny apartment with my family, but that just makes it so much cozier.
I feel loved 1000% of the time.
My friends are brilliant. And the people who used to be my friends I don't talk to anymore... well, that's sad. Nonetheless I'm quite thankful I got to see the true sides of these people before I became even closer to them.
I have an easy job with high pay.
I have an iClicker. And I got not one but TWO classes where I can play with it. HAH.
I can touch my toes.
I have a Disney channel star in my English Class =P
I've had unpleasant past experiences with stuff. What is stuff? Well.. a lot of things. But I'm so proud of myself for overcoming these stuff. Like my daddeh, I'm sucha beast too. 
Did I mention I have the funniest best friend in the world?
OH OH, and I ultimately think my comic book will become super successful.

Yarrrs, I pretty much have it real good.

Be jealous.

Typing these things out just made me real happy and appreciate everything a whole lot more.
I'm gona have a good day today.
Wheeeee ~~

1 comment:

  1. Awhh!!!!!!! I have a ginormous lurker-smile on my face right now :')))) I typed lurker because I'm in my english lecture reading this haha!
    ♥ Favourite blog. It just oozes happiness <3 And makes me smile reading this. <33
