Thursday, March 11, 2010

And Here. We. Go...

Yay, I created a twitter account.
I'm not liking it so far though, I don't see a point, and I'm too lazy to figure out how it all works even though it does apparently seem a LOT easier to figure out than facebook or this blog for example.

I'm so tired.

Today I tried some organic chocolate.  Tasty, but quite bitter since it was dark.  Really, really expensive though, for such a small bar.  <3 I love chocolate so much. 

I got an English in class essay tomorrow, I haven't read any of my poems I was suppose to read last week and this week, in fact, I haven't gone to a single english class for 2 1/2 weeks already.  >_<  

Afterschool was fun. :)  Janz and I went to best buy in attempt to find a portable CD player, or walkman, or whatever people call those.  But they only had ONE!  ONE CHOICE?!  C'mon.. that's so lame.  Even london drugs have more options!!!!!!!!!!  The internet there is so slow too!!!! =[ Only the best buy website is quick.  Darn them clever workers, this sure will prevent random kids from walking in to use free internet rofl.  
We went to save on foods after, and saw the prettiest looking covered pretzels.  They were white, with pink and blue or green(?) designs on them.  THEY LOOK SO GOOD!!!  So we bought 4.  BUT for some freak accident, the bag got lost in the store?!  and then we never actually bought them even though we tried looking for them when we got out of the store.  I was so excited to try some LOL!  =(  Now I'll never know whether they were white chocolate covered or yogourt covered.  
Speaking of yogourt, I had this CRAVING, for yogourt covered almonds today in ubc and was SO tempted to buy a whole big pack of them from sub, but I didn't, thank goodness, cuz they were pretty fattening, even though they were almonds.  I think the coating has a lot of sugar and high fat in it.  Yuk.  

My friend's having an all you can eat sushi birthday dinner tomorrow. 
I don't know if I should go to an all you can eat, considering how I'm already ballooning up like crazy.  
DECISIONS DECISIONS...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random note: Today in school today I saw Mr N.R. sitting outside a classroom. He was a bit far away but it's hard to not recognize him. Actually, I noticed him when I looked across the hall and saw someone sitting down staring at me. 
I ran away.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I think twitter's just meant to fill in all the hours of the day when you're not able to blog. It makes you easy to stalk :P
