Friday, May 25, 2012

He can make the choice that no one else can make, the right choice.

Today Peter father took us out for dinner.  He bought us beer.  I am unable to drink, but I didn't want to be rude, thus I took a couple of sips.  I'm pathetically intolerant to alcohol, and turned into a tomato within seconds.  It's rather embarrassing, but his father was so kind as to being okay with me not finishing the rest of the beer.

My mom told me she cannot drink at all, for her heart beats fast and then her throat feels funny and she has problems breathing.  I feel like I'm also kind of like that.  My heart beats very fast, and my breath becomes shorter and faster.  I wonder if I practice drinking by drinking a bit everyday, if it would help me become more tolerant to alcohol.

I got to ride in a convertible for the first time in my life, the wind in my hair is such a nice feeling, my dream car might have turned into a convertible, but then of course, it must still be black and look batman/sportscar-ish.  Sammie's very kind to drive Shawn and me all the way to the beach.  Last time I could tell Shawn hauling all that stuff on his back was painful, my back ached just looking at him.  I wanted to help, but he didn't let me carry it.
I tend to feel spoiled when he refuses me to carry anything, or help out around the house, and it's a feeling I'm not used to, and it's a feeling I'm too afraid I'll get used to.  Maybe that's why I'm permanently fighting him for the grocery bags, no matter how heavy they are.  :D  If I have two hands, might as well make use of them.  That's what I think at least.

The BBQ we had at lunch was fun, but the wind was too too strong.  I really wish I had a hairband. I got so annoyed with my hair blocking my eyesight I never wished I could be more bald in my life. There's always a lady walking around asking us if we could give her our empty cans.  I get a funny feeling in my stomach when I see her.  She's very cute, old and very tanned asian woman with a hat.  She reminds me of my home in China, where there's always an old lady who looked like her selling tofu downstairs of my old apartment.  I feel very very sad when I see her eye the cans that are there, but are not empty.  I wish I can walk around and help her collect cans.  The next time I'm there, I'm going to give her some money, and help her collect cans, and pick up some garbage around the beach.  I'll also see if I can give the can lady some of our food, because we always have extra food that go to waste.

I can't wait to fly the kite Shawn and I (tho mostly Shawn) will make.  The design is really good, but I'm not sure if the wood we bought will be strong enough to handle the wind.  I'm going to start watching videos on how to make kites, and help him out.  I'm very excited.  Shawn is very talented.  He has good ideas to implement for the kite.

The other day Karen asked me to choose a puzzle with a nice picture so she and Dennis can build the puzzle and then frame it.  Which reminds me, Shawn and I were supposed to do that a while back.  Maybe when the kite is done we can start the puzzle.
Random list of things to do with Shawn:  Build the kite.  Fly the kite.  Add more designs on our elvish shirts.  Work on the assassin's creed hoodie.  Puzzle.  Probably more but this is all I can think of for the time being.

My fingers are oily, and I can see my keyboard becoming greasy.  :(

I have so much on my mind, I'll add more later.


It is later!

Thanks Shawhn for liking my previous post :)

I have an article for The Ubyssey due today, but unfortunately, the professors I'm supposed to interview is not in town, and she said she would prefer to talk to me in person when she is back, as answering interview questions over e-mail takes too long.  I hope I get an extension.  I feel like I have homework to do, even though this is simply a hobby.  I want to be like Lois Lane, where I become to best journalist in town.  Her fiery passion for news inspires me.

I'm going to find my old Batman comics and post a bit of it here, and see if anybody will actually read it.  I never got around to finishing it, though I have the story in my head.  I feel that it is too linear.  I need to be more creative.  I feel my imagination is diminishing.  I used to be so active with my mind.  Time to pick up reading again.  I miss books.  I can't remember the last book I read that was not a comic.  Time to hit Chapters and spend an entire day there!!  I really need to "re-read" the Hobbit, although I never properly finished the book.  I want to know the story well before I go watch the movie.  I can't wait for the movie.  Why the heck is the world "movie" underlined in red when I type?!?!  Apparently, blogspot, or maybe it is my computer, doesn't think "movie" is a word.

Movie Movie Movie!

How curious.

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