Saturday, May 26, 2012

Out of the darkness

I think I need to start exercising again.  I am more moody than I normally am these days... and that is horrible.  Moody Linda is so unpleasant I think if I were to meet myself in that state I would smack myself so hard I fly up to the moon.

On the bright side, I think I might be doing okay in compsci 313.  Shawn is super patient with me in his teachings.  I can't thank him enough.  I brought his kway teow he left at my place when he cooked for my mom back to his place today, but I forgot to tell him.  My mom bought fresh bean sprouts for him.  I'll bring it over tomorrow.

SOOOO I attempted to make deep fried dumplings for him today, and tried to make the dumpling wrap from scratch.  I failed epicly.  I remember there were these deep fried dumplings I bought from t&t before and they were scrumptious, I decided to use them as today's inspiration.
Oh nose...
Mistake #1, Not enough flavouring added to the flour
Mistake #2, Not enough time mixing the egg evenly into the dough
Mistake #3... "attempt" to wrap it beautifully.... but instead it turned out to look like a pile of poo.

I've never had much experience with cooking, but I love to come up with things on the spot and try out new things.  But when I fail, I usually fail with misery mixed with laughter for it is in the most absurd ways I fail.  Prime example would be today's dumplings.  I wish I got to take a picture before Shawn eated it.


" and he cried out with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth; and when he cried, seven thunders uttered their voices."
- revelation 10:3

I liked that quote so much after reading kingdom come I saved an entire page of pdf with simply that typed in the middle. hyuk.
I found it when I was looking through my old writings. 

I remember back in the days when I used to copy out sentences or even paragraphs I thought were beautifully written and saving them so I can re-appreciate them over and over again once I had to return the book to the library.  

I found the draft prologue of a dragon story I was supposed to write.  I'm going to pick it up again soon.  I don't have plot in mind, so I'll just make it up as I go.  

Shawn's an incredible artist.  I wish I could have a copy of everything he draws.  

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