Thursday, July 12, 2012

What you do with all your money?

The weather keeps getting nicer and nicer!  

And I just keep getting more and more work!!! 

So far my class isn't too horrid.  I'm managing, so I'm rather pleased with myself.  I'm too distracted by everything to properly sit down and actually do work, but considering my midterm is next week, I should settle the heck down.

Today I was on 41st when I saw an old lady carrying a lot of groceries.  And since I love grannies so much, I couldn't help but go up to her and ask her whether she needed help carrying them.  The look in her eyes when I offered her my assistance made my heart melt.  Looks like that are what keeps me going.
If there is anything in life worth living for, it is the look of absolute gratitude of an elderly.  We had a nice talk.  She was very, very lovely.  She talked about how she lived with her granddaughter, and how her hips have problems.  She said I could visit her daily, considering she is alone a lot and sometimes feels lonely.  Of course, I said I'd love to.  :)
Since I have so much time on my hands these days, I also think I'll take a trip down to the old folks home not too far from my house and sign up to volunteer for a bit.

In other news...
Mother just came home from grocery shopping...
Now, the difficult part....


fate has brought us together again, you tasty little thing

NOTE: Man I sure am taking more and more photos aren't I? :D

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