Sunday, July 22, 2012

Choose between one life or the other

The only thing in the world that can give my chocolate addiction a run for its money is my coconut addiction.

Coconut, pandan, coconut, pandan, coconut

That is pure bliss.

I'm a happy cat.

In other news,
It's been 2 days since the Dark Knight Rises shooting in Colorado.
Everytime I turn on the news, no matter what channel, that story never fails to make headlines.
Where is batman when you need him? 
The killer claimed himself to be the joker. And believes he is living out a movie, and feels no remorse for what he has done.
To the mind of one that is insane, it's curious where the line between fantasy starts and reality ends.  

This story will always bring me sorrow.
My heart goes out to the victims. :'(  
It's a sad sad day when the movie theatre becomes a place of crime.
Batman would be ashamed.

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