Friday, June 22, 2012

The mob wouldn't go down without a fight, but this is different. They crossed the line.

I am very happy with my life.  I have a loving mom and dad, and a loving boyfriend, and the most loving wonderful caring friends over.  Everything seems to be falling into place.

I have a job for September.  

I think my father is very impressed with me, the most he's ever been in my life.  
I'm really looking forward to it.  I never imagined myself actually working for a compsci based company.  I'm the worst at programming, general compsci based common sense (i.e. the firefox/firewall incident that my friends will probably never ever let go for the rest of their lives).
I have a huge list of basic things I need to learn before I start working, and I'll try to start on that asap.  I want to be able to think logically like a computer, but I have so much difficulty doing so.  I'm not too sure exactly what I'm good at, but I know it's not compsci.  So to be starting work in that field kind of terrifies me.  I'll be the odd one out, but I'm hoping that somehow I can wiggle my way into fitting in comfortably at work.  

On the other hand, I'll be quite sad to start work too.  I'll definitely miss lunchtimes with Shawn.  For the entire second term, I believe he brought me (occasionally I brought him) lunch.  It was usually the sweetest moment of my day, and he never ever fails to surprise me with something new.  No more home-cooked Shawn lunches for an entire school year!  Oh nose.  It's going to be very tough, since that is basically interweaved into my life now.  BUT, I shall not gloom over this!  I shall smile upon the skies, for life has given me such a wonderful working opportunity.  I am sooooo grateful.

I have reflected my behaviours over the last few days.  I realize once I start working I'll need to be more adult like than I am now.  I need to put my childish ways behind me.  No more getting upset over tiny things, no more emotional problems, definitely no more random outbursts of rage!  As of right now I will make an unbreakable vow with myself: I, Linda, will promise to try my very best to be reasonable and be mature from now on.  I will control my rage, I will find a new way to get my anger out (if there shall come a day when I am angry) through the means of exercise and writing.  I will not take out my rage on those around me, (especially Shawn because I love him) and if I am ever upset, I will think before I act randomly and confuse everybody and ruin their days.

If I shall ever break this vow, I shall be given the worst punishment of all time.  


SOOOO Shawn and I were thinking of opening a night market booth next summer and sell food.  I'm thinking that will be super fun!  But a lot of time need to go into planning that.  I'll try to save up some money and start us off.  So far we have decided on the following foods:

- spring rolls
that's it....

BUT, it will be tasty spring rolls!
Maybe we can sell drinks too, because Shawn makes a nice milk tea.  And lemonade.  And simply tea with honey.  

Of course, if this were to go down, I need to perfect my singlish.  I will be practicing all year!!!  

ohoh, maybe we can have tofu puffs too. 

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