Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Come Nightfall, This City is Mine


his kuay teow is to die for.  I'm still super duper full, it's kind of painful. :( 

thats the unfortunate thing with eating good food!!!!! :( it's so tasty I wolf it down and afterwards just lie for hours and be lazy because of how much I ate.  

I'm very happy Shawn likes my cooking too.  He always says he is pale in comparison to me, but I never agree.  His is creative, and is good at changing things up.  I'm only good at a few dishes, and fortunately he likes all those few dishes I am capable of making (phewww).

I want to learn how to make things that are healthier.  Shawn loves deep fried things a little too much.  I need to introduce him to less oily things.
Tonight, I substituted the chicken in spicy chicken with bean curd tofu.  It turned out so well.  Shawn says it's even better than chicken.  I'm so happy he said that, because knowing me, I'm always pro vegetarian whenever I can be!

Since he likes bean curd so much (fortunately, I also love bean curd) , I'll try to learn how to make different dishes with that.  

The only disappointing thing about tonight was the fact we had to toss out the chicken we bought.  I feel soooooo bad for wasting it, and I feel so foolish for not putting it in the freezer.  I have learned my lesson.  
I will remember to always freeze meat!  :'(

I also gave Shawn a haircut today.  It was so much fun!  I'm so so sososo soososo so thankful he trusts me enough to let me do it.  He may not realize it but it means the world to me when he lets me cut.  I'm actually not too sure whether he thinks it looks nice, or whether he thinks it looks better going to an actual barber, but I do everything I can to make him look presentable.
But this time, I cut it shorter than usual, so it's going to take some time getting used to.  But once it grows in maybe 4-5 mm, it'll look better.  But since it's summer and Brunei will be hot, his head will feel a lot less cloaked.

Speaking of cloaks, I need to start working on one!  Shawn came up with the idea to wear cloaks and capes this halloween.  It sounds like a fun idea, I'll see what I can do.

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