Thursday, June 28, 2012

People Deserve To Have Their Faith Rewarded.

Today I have become a parent.

I have adopted a lovely purple unicorn who goes by the name of Lance.

Lance is perfection.

I'm beyond happy.  <3

Lance's 2nd mother will always be Shawn's Bruneian friend.  She was supposed to be the adopter, but unfortunately the moment I glanced into Lance's beady little eyes, he has stolen a part of my heart.


I'm very blessed to have him in my life.

In other good news, I'm going to China in August.  I'm super stoked.  :D

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Come Nightfall, This City is Mine


his kuay teow is to die for.  I'm still super duper full, it's kind of painful. :( 

thats the unfortunate thing with eating good food!!!!! :( it's so tasty I wolf it down and afterwards just lie for hours and be lazy because of how much I ate.  

I'm very happy Shawn likes my cooking too.  He always says he is pale in comparison to me, but I never agree.  His is creative, and is good at changing things up.  I'm only good at a few dishes, and fortunately he likes all those few dishes I am capable of making (phewww).

I want to learn how to make things that are healthier.  Shawn loves deep fried things a little too much.  I need to introduce him to less oily things.
Tonight, I substituted the chicken in spicy chicken with bean curd tofu.  It turned out so well.  Shawn says it's even better than chicken.  I'm so happy he said that, because knowing me, I'm always pro vegetarian whenever I can be!

Since he likes bean curd so much (fortunately, I also love bean curd) , I'll try to learn how to make different dishes with that.  

The only disappointing thing about tonight was the fact we had to toss out the chicken we bought.  I feel soooooo bad for wasting it, and I feel so foolish for not putting it in the freezer.  I have learned my lesson.  
I will remember to always freeze meat!  :'(

I also gave Shawn a haircut today.  It was so much fun!  I'm so so sososo soososo so thankful he trusts me enough to let me do it.  He may not realize it but it means the world to me when he lets me cut.  I'm actually not too sure whether he thinks it looks nice, or whether he thinks it looks better going to an actual barber, but I do everything I can to make him look presentable.
But this time, I cut it shorter than usual, so it's going to take some time getting used to.  But once it grows in maybe 4-5 mm, it'll look better.  But since it's summer and Brunei will be hot, his head will feel a lot less cloaked.

Speaking of cloaks, I need to start working on one!  Shawn came up with the idea to wear cloaks and capes this halloween.  It sounds like a fun idea, I'll see what I can do.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gotham... take control

Battleship... ah... what a movie!

That movie is the definition of cheesy hollywood stereotype.

The script was bad. :( I feel overly critical, but I can't help but think that throughout the movie.  The script was sooo poorly written.  The plot idea was good and simple, and the ships were uber rad, but that's about it.

But I must say I liked it.  It serves as a nice guilty pleasure type of movie.

I wish I could be a movie script writer.  I love movies so much, and I love writing so much.  I can't think of a better way to express that interest in any other way.

I wish I have a creative idea to carry on though.

One of the reasons why I love dreams so much is because I feel the creativity that exists in my dream world ceases to exist when I'm awake.

I used to be creative.  I used to be able to write fun stories :) They were so good I got stickers and I got published in the school library.  Someday, I must go back and visit my elementary and see whether my stories are still in the library :D

So my mother gave me three choices for August:

1) China trip
2) Europe for maybe a week or two
3) US trip to Disneyland, University Studios..etc

The final say might not be mine, but I can't choose between the three right now >_<

I feel that recently I have kind of lost my drive and ambition.  I don't study as hard as I used to, and when I'm not in school, I just sleep and relax way too much more than a student should.  I want to do something productive in the last month of summer.  If I go back to China, I'm bringing my computer and am going to work on programming.  I'm also going to practise guitar more, and  play with Anfo.  Matt lent me this great steel string and I haven't really played it that much yet.  I want to work on my finger picking : )
AND Shawn had already gave me the approval to rent an electric drum set and leaving it at his place for the fall.  I can't wait.  I miss drums so so sososo much!!!!

I seriously can't wait!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen

Today Shawn bought an adorable purple unicorn for his friend.

I named him Lance.

I like Lance.

I'm going to be sad to see him go.

In any case, 

Good night world.

I wish for an exciting dream tonight.

If indeed I am fortunate enough to have one, I will write about it the moment I wake up, before it is all forgotten.  Hence, I shan't leave this page. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Forest in Burma

Today's such a nice day.  It's been a while since Vancouver has had a decently hot summers day.  The temperature was about 24degrees outside.  The sky is beautiful, I look out and not a cloud in sight.  I really hope it will stay like this from now on, even though the weather network says so, I still have my doubts.

So I was talking to my mother and father today, and we were discussing about what to do in the month of August, for my summer school would have ended and I will be free.  Suggestions were thrown around, but my mother told me that I could go back to China for that month.  My aunt's been wanting me to go back for a while, and I must say I do really want to go.

My father says I'll die in the heat.  In Shenzhen, it is 39degrees at this time of the year.  He says that kind of heat is unimaginable and I will not be able to withstand it.  But I took that as a challenge.

I'm not sure whether I will be going back or not, but nonetheless, I believe this means a vacation is definite in August.  SQUEEEEEE!!!!!  :)  I am a happy girl.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The mob wouldn't go down without a fight, but this is different. They crossed the line.

I am very happy with my life.  I have a loving mom and dad, and a loving boyfriend, and the most loving wonderful caring friends over.  Everything seems to be falling into place.

I have a job for September.  

I think my father is very impressed with me, the most he's ever been in my life.  
I'm really looking forward to it.  I never imagined myself actually working for a compsci based company.  I'm the worst at programming, general compsci based common sense (i.e. the firefox/firewall incident that my friends will probably never ever let go for the rest of their lives).
I have a huge list of basic things I need to learn before I start working, and I'll try to start on that asap.  I want to be able to think logically like a computer, but I have so much difficulty doing so.  I'm not too sure exactly what I'm good at, but I know it's not compsci.  So to be starting work in that field kind of terrifies me.  I'll be the odd one out, but I'm hoping that somehow I can wiggle my way into fitting in comfortably at work.  

On the other hand, I'll be quite sad to start work too.  I'll definitely miss lunchtimes with Shawn.  For the entire second term, I believe he brought me (occasionally I brought him) lunch.  It was usually the sweetest moment of my day, and he never ever fails to surprise me with something new.  No more home-cooked Shawn lunches for an entire school year!  Oh nose.  It's going to be very tough, since that is basically interweaved into my life now.  BUT, I shall not gloom over this!  I shall smile upon the skies, for life has given me such a wonderful working opportunity.  I am sooooo grateful.

I have reflected my behaviours over the last few days.  I realize once I start working I'll need to be more adult like than I am now.  I need to put my childish ways behind me.  No more getting upset over tiny things, no more emotional problems, definitely no more random outbursts of rage!  As of right now I will make an unbreakable vow with myself: I, Linda, will promise to try my very best to be reasonable and be mature from now on.  I will control my rage, I will find a new way to get my anger out (if there shall come a day when I am angry) through the means of exercise and writing.  I will not take out my rage on those around me, (especially Shawn because I love him) and if I am ever upset, I will think before I act randomly and confuse everybody and ruin their days.

If I shall ever break this vow, I shall be given the worst punishment of all time.  


SOOOO Shawn and I were thinking of opening a night market booth next summer and sell food.  I'm thinking that will be super fun!  But a lot of time need to go into planning that.  I'll try to save up some money and start us off.  So far we have decided on the following foods:

- spring rolls
that's it....

BUT, it will be tasty spring rolls!
Maybe we can sell drinks too, because Shawn makes a nice milk tea.  And lemonade.  And simply tea with honey.  

Of course, if this were to go down, I need to perfect my singlish.  I will be practicing all year!!!  

ohoh, maybe we can have tofu puffs too. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Whatever Doesn't Kill You Simply Makes You Stranger

It's never good to be self conscious, for usually the reason to be self conscious is too silly to be compared to the more important issues in life.  But as a girl, snoring is quite possibly one of the most unflattering things one can do, especially in front of  a boy.

I've been aware I tend to snore (quite loudly too), but I would always just hope that the times I do snore are alone in my bedroom, and not while napping next to someone.  When Shawn said I snored loudly tonight while he was doing homework and I was napping next to him, I could drop dead on the ground at that moment.  I'm glad it was so dark as he couldn't see my tomato face.  WHY LINDA?  I'm so terribly embarrassed I'm scared to nap in front of him now.  This fear would diminish quickly, for every time I go onto his bed, I just want to lie there and sleep forever, but the knowing I would produce such noise is disheartening.  If my snores were more quiet, I wouldn't mind.  I really really really wish I didn't snore.