Monday, March 18, 2013

You had a bad day, and it drove you as crazy as everybody else.

Doctor: Isn’t it funny, how humans tend to jump to the worst conclusion in every situation?

You wana know a funny story?

As a child, I never smiled a lot. People didn’t talk to me. I didn’t make a lot of friends.  I was avoided by all because of a smile I never wore.

An old woman came up to me this morning.  You know what she asked me?  “Are you okay?  You look upset..”

Haha, but you know what, I was actually happy at the time.

Why is this Batman?  Why do people always think the worst? You see someone crying, you will probably think they are sad. Maybe, maybe they’re happy tears.

Of all the basic human emotions, the worst ones always overpowers the better ones. Such a strange human tendency.

I didn’t kill nobody. It was all in their head.

Bruce: You told them they were going to die.

Doctor: And that was enough to scare them right into death.

Batman you fascinate me. You look after Gotham like a mother looks after a child, yet you fail so miserably at raising your city right. These people can’t stand on their own.

The pain scared them. The blood scared them. The citizens you protect, your so called people, Gotham civilians; they are all cowards.

They gave up fighting for their lives. The pain scared them, overpowered them. But what’s life without a little pain! It was all in their head. Don’t you see? They died because my words were imprinted in their head. Their mind died first, their bodies followed. 

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